Wednesday, May 21, 2014

God and Country: "We the People" Workshop with Bill Federer

Have you been concerned with the issues we are facing as a nation, and the direction our country has been going as it increasingly rejects our Christian heritage?    Do you desire to learn more about the foundations of our nation, the constitutional basis for our government, and the stages of the slippery slope that has brought us to where we are today?  Have you wondered if you - as an individual or family -  could make a difference?

Our workshop God and Country: "We the People": Making a Difference will help your family learn the principles that made this nation great, and how to work to make us once again "One Nation Under God"!  Bill Federer - author, historian, and radio broadcaster of "American Minute" will be our keynote speaker.  He will be joined by several elected officials who are presently serving, as well as those who have served in the past.  We will also hear from many who are actively seeking to make a difference in our country, as they share the various ways they are working both individually and in organizations.  Come for a time of learning, being challenged, getting your questions answered, and fellowship!

This workshop will be held on July 18-19, 2014 at the Heritage Ministry Center, 612 Due West Ave., Madison, TN 37115.   The hours will be 6:30 - 9:30 Friday evening, and 9:00 - 4:00 Saturday.  The cost will be $15 per person, with a family maximin of $45.  Children under ten are free.  Overnight accommodations and/or meal tickets for the Saturday fellowship lunch will be available for an additional charge.  Registration will be at the door.  For additional information please call 615.636.2144

Monday, May 19, 2014

Alternative Methods of Gardening Workshop

Have you wanted to start producing your own vegetables for health and economy, but did not know where to begin or how to accomplish it without a large piece of land?  In our Alternative Methods of Gardening  we will explore some of the various ways beginners can begin producing their own organic produce even if they live in an apartment, have a small backyard, or just need help getting started!

On Saturday, May 31st we will be hosting the Alternative Methods of Gardening Workshop.  The hours will be 9:30 until 4:00, and will include indoor teaching and outdoor hands-on instruction at the vegetable gardens behind our facility. Topics will include: Gardening - a Family Affair; Introduction to the Eden Garden; Square Foot Gardening; Wide-Row Gardening; Micro-Gardening; Introduction to Hydroponics and Aquaponics; Basic Greenhouse design; Extending the season; Roof top and apartment gardening; Composting, and more! Cost is $15 per person, with a $45 family maximum cost.  Children under 12 are free.  Bring a sack lunch and eat and fellowship at our picnic tables!  Sign up will be at the door.  Heritage Ministry Center, 612 W. Due West Ave., Madison, TN 37115

The Heritage Ministry Center launches our family classes and workshops!

Welcome to our official launch blog for the Heritage Ministry Center!  Our goal is to offer classes and workshops that will enrich your family's life, while drawing family members closer to each other and to the Lord.  Our family workshops are designed as a way for families to make wonderful memories while learning new skills together.  Our mother/daughter and father/son workshops will provide fun, "together time" as well as training in basic life skills.   And our youth classes and workshops will give sons and daughters opportunities for acquiring practical home and farmstead training and encouraging spiritual growth through discipleship classes.

A few examples of the courses we will be offering over the course of the year include:

For Families:  The Family Farmstead/Suburban Farmette; Alternative Methods of Gardening; Dairy Goat Management; Homeschool/Godly Home; God and Country - We the People

For Fathers/Sons and Mothers/Daughters:  Basic Skills for Guys; Cottage Industry Skills; Vintage Homemaking Skills; Mother/Daughter Teas

For Youth:  1st Born Leadership Conference; Homemaking Skills; Basic Woodworking and Cabinetry:
The Deeper Life - The Abiding Walk, Personal Evangelism, and Discipling Others; Revive the Hymns

For Mothers: Help for Hurting Hearts; Practical Ways to Deal with Thyroid/Adrenal/Weight Loss Issues; Support for Single Homeschool Moms

After months of planning, we are ready to post our first workshop dates and details!  New classes and workshops will be added as we get them scheduled.  We are so excited to be able to family life skills workshops to the homeschool community!

Heritage Ministry Center, 612 Due West Ave., Madison (Nashville), TN 37115  Phone: 615.636.2144